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Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Dry Dock Replacement And Waterfront Production Facility. Major Expansion of West Loch Depot Endangers Pearl Harbor-Hickam



Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Dry Dock Replacement And Waterfront Production Facility. Major Expansion of West Loch Depot Endangers Pearl Harbor-Hickam

Significant High Explosives Munitions Storage Expansion And Development Of Military Ocean Terminal For Pearl Harbor Threatens Dock Expansion, Workers, Ford Island & Hickam

John M. Bond


Reference Documents:  U.S. Navy Magazines for Long Ordnance, JBPHH West Loch Annex and U.S. Army West Loch Ordnance Facilities Draft Environmental Assessment Reveal Major Ordinance Magazine Expansion, Plans For Military Ocean Port For Large Ammunition Ships

Kanehili Cultural Hui   P.O. Box 75578  Kapolei, Hi  96707

PUBLIC TESTIMONY RE: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

October 19, 2020

Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific

PHNSY DD/WPF EIS Project Manager

Attention: Andréa M. Von Burg Hall

258 Makalapa Drive, Suite 100

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI 96860-3134


Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment including land, water, air, structures, living organisms, environmental values at the site, and the social, cultural, and economic aspects.

The Navy is considering (1) a covered or uncovered dry dock, (2) a waterfront production facility located either east or west of the Dry Dock replacement, and (3) the potential for the waterfront production facility to service one or more dry docks. 



Cumulative impacts result when the effects of an action are added to or interact with other effects in a particular place and within a particular time.  It is the combination of these effects, and any resulting environmental degradation, that should be the focus of cumulative impact analysis. The concept of cumulative impacts takes into account all disturbances since cumulative impacts result in the compounding of the effects of all actions over time. The cumulative impacts of an action can be viewed as the total effects on a resource, ecosystem, or human community of that action and all other activities affecting that resource no matter what entity (federal, non-federal, or private) is taking the actions.


There are serious and documentable current and future dangers to the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Maintenance Facility and nearby West Oahu communities, including Hickam Field and Ford Island.

A possible blast from West Loch, from an ammunition ship, RimPac ships or loading weapons into new Virginia Class VPM sections of attack submarines could do great damage to Pearl Harbor facilities and Hickam Field

New PH Navy sub dock facilities are in VBD Blast Zone. This is from DoD - Army explosive safety arc ESQD criteria

According to MOTSU blast zone criteria applied to West Loch, the new Navy submarine drydock facilities would be in the VBD - Vulnerable Building Distance. Windows could be shattered and pieces of hot metal fall into the dockyards or onto a submarine, possibly setting off secondary explosions and fires.


Using a UN IATG (International Ammunition Technical Guidelines )Quantity Distance Map, a professional explosive blast arc software program and explosive amounts in Hazard Division 1.1 and using safety arcs determined from DoD and the US Army’s own EQSD data released to the public for the first time ever in 2018 by MOTSU, the Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point in North Carolina, possible munitions blast radii affecting West Oahu can be determined:



Above is the arc of a 1,000,000 kg blast at Whisky Wharf 1-2-3


Using an example from MOTSU, a 1,000,000 kg blast zone radius for Vulnerable Building Distance (VBD) would be 4440 meters or 2.76 miles. This means Waipahu, Ewa west of Kualaka’i Parkway (AKA North South Road) Ewa Beach- Ocean Pointe (Haseko) Ewa Gentry – Ewa Villages, and over to Iroquois Point. 

The Inhabited Building Distance (IBD) is 2220M or 1.4 miles.  This is very interesting as it is exactly the same distance as shown in the historic Building 1 map of “Whisky” wharf W 1-2-3, which shows an ESQD (Explosives Safety Quantity Distance) arrow pointing southwest of 7405 feet (1.4 miles.) This strongly suggests that the original West Loch explosive blast arc was based upon the same Hazard Division 1.1 Explosives input of 1,000,000 kg (2,204622.62 pounds, 1102.3 tons) of TNT munitions.

2020 Beirut explosion 1.1 kilotons of TNT = 1 kiloton to KG = 1000000 kg

1 Kilotonne or metric kiloton (unit of mass) is equal to 1000 metric tons. A metric ton is exactly 1000 kilograms (SI base unit) making a kilotonne equal to 1000000 kilograms. 1 kt = 1000000 kg.

The Beirut explosion was not a result of military munitions but shows the blast pressure wave effect that did enormous damage miles away.

mushroom cloud beirut explosion

10 KM (6.2 miles) away from the explosion site and the glass of buildings were shattered.


Above is the arc of a 1,000,000 kg blast in the Pearl Harbor entrance channel


West Loch Capacity (according to Navy documents) - The capacity to store 34,000 short tons of explosive ordinance or over ½ millions square feet of explosives.

34000 tons = 30844.281 metric tons, 30844.281 metric tons = 30844281 kg

Above is the arc of a 30844281 kg blast at West Loch


DoD Army Terminal Blast Zones ESQD Made Public In 2018

Information recently revealed to the public shows two concentric “explosive safety areas,” including developed and undeveloped areas.

One, which covers essentially the same area as the federal buffer zones around MOTSU, is the inhabited building distance (IBD). The IBD is the minimum distance maintained between an explosive site and a building not used for munition handling purposes.

A second, larger blast zone, called the K88 quantity-distance arc, is new to the public. This area is considerably larger than federally maintained buffer zones, and includes developed areas like Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and parts of Brunswick County.

At about twice the radius of the IBD, the K88 quantity-distance arc includes areas with a high probability of glass breakage during an explosion. In the event of a disaster, both zones pose a threat to human safety.

“Typically we don’t show the K88,” Mueller said in an interview following the second public meeting. “It was newly released to the public.”

According to Mueller, the terminal is only required to reveal the IBD zone to the public.

Pearl Harbor Dry Dock Conceptual Designs

The Covered PH Dock shown in the EIS raises questions about the similarity to SSBN weapons loading hangars built for vertical missile loading. Does this mean the new Navy attack boats will carry nukes? 

Kings Bay SSBN facility with special weapons loading hangars

Bangor SSBN facility with special weapons loading hangars

The Two Big Navy Facilities Where SSBN Missile Boats Are Serviced Including Special Weapons Loaded, Stored

Naval Submarine Base Bangor – Where The SSBN’s Are

Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay – Where The SSBN’s Are

New Virginia Class Attack Subs Have More Missile Capacity

New Navy Sub Configurations All Point To Likely Nuclear Weapons Being Stored And Loaded In Pearl Harbor

According to Adm. Cecil Haney, (7 August 2013) the former commander of Pacific Fleet subs, on any given day 17 boats are underway and eight are “forward-deployed,” meaning they are on station in a potential combat zone. To the Pacific Fleet, that pretty much means waters near China.

Attack boats- do not carry nukes - currently. The technology of missiles is rapidly changing and it would be entirely possible that new attack subs will carry nuclear cruise missiles every bit as effective as missile boats which have ballistic missiles that fly in an arc to their target. The SSBN missile subs are the final guarantee of MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. But what if China found a way to locate all US Navy SSBN’s?

One of the reasons Bangor, WA is so popular for nuke missiles is that SSBN subs can depart and slip into very deep water very quickly after loading. Pearl Harbor also offers deep water just outside the harbor. Kings Bay requires a sub to travel 100 miles before it can enter deep water- but that is not the reason why Kings Bay was originally built.

New Subs New Missions - SUBPAC COMMANDS - Attack Submarines

Navy Sub Identification - Composition of the current force

Time To Look At RimPac As A Threat To Pearl Harbor?

RimPac Needs To Be Reconsidered

The 1969 USS Enterprise fire off Pearl Harbor

Here is what an 89657068 kg Explosive Arc Looks Like If West Loch Blew Up. An Ideal Enemy Terrorist Target

West Loch has storage capacity of approximately 

98,830 short tons (89657068 kg)

(NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor, 2017)

Material is on/off-loaded onto a variety of ships at various locations on and around Pearl Harbor. The West Loch wharves, Pearl Harbor piers, and Ford Island are common locations for on- and off-loading material. Types of ships include various combatant ships, small boats and submarines; Navy cargo and supply ships (T-AKE and T-AOE); chartered vessels; and U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps roll-on/roll-off (RORO) vessels.

West Loch Ammunition Depot Today - NMCPAC EAD DET PH

Navy Munitions Command Pacific East Asia Division Detachment Pearl Harbor (NMCPAC EAD DET PH) headquartered in Ewa Beach, HI, on the island of Oahu, NMCPAC EAD DET PH consists of two branches:

the Lualualei Branch on the western side of Oahu 35 miles northwest of Honolulu, and the West Loch Branch (West Loch and Waipio Point) located about 20 miles west of Honolulu. Combined, these facilities contain 386 magazines—large, earth covered storage facilities—with a storage capacity of approximately 98,830 short tons (NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor, 2017). 

Navy Munitions Command

NMC maintains a Pre-positioned War Reserve Stock (PWRS) of underwater mines, torpedo's and provide ordnance sentencing, inspection and handling in support of aviation ordnance operations. Maintains all ordnance in designated readiness and assembly configurations, through a program of periodic maintenance and provides assembly and final preparation services in support of Pacific Fleet operations. The Command safely and effectively receives stores, segregates, and issues ammunition stock for the military and other government entities. NMCPAC EAD DET PH also provides pier-side ordnance handling in the Pearl Harbor area for military and commercial vessels of all types, foreign and domestic, as well as services to other military commands at their respective sites.

Other Major Ammunition Facilities Have Much Greater Safety Distances Than Does West Loch

Indian Island Washington State – A Largely Wide Safety Area – Not Like West Loch

Indian Island Washington State – A Largely Wide Safety Area – Not Like West Loch

Earle Ammunition Loading Facility – Large Wide Safety Area – Not Like West Loch

MOTSU - Has A Large Wide Safety Area – Not Like West Loch

Mainland Weapons Storage Facilities Have Much Greater Explosive Safety Arc Space Than Oahu At West Loch

Naval Weapons Station Earle

Indian Island – The West Coast's major Navy ammunition site

The 1969 USS Enterprise Fire Off Pearl Harbor And Other Major Navy Accidents And Explosions

Both USS BHR And USS Miami Destroyed By Insider Arsonists

 These Intentional Disasters Cost Well Over 1 Billion In Loses

The Pentagon is preparing for a missile war and Oahu has been chosen to store hundreds of new missiles, some as close as less than ½ mile from homes, schools, hospitals, parks.

The Pentagon is preparing the US military to fight the next war which will be a major conflict against a nation-state with similar military capabilities to the United States, such as China or Russia. This requires much more powerful long range weapons and missile munitions.

The place on Oahu they want to store them for Indo-Pacific theatre of operations is in West Loch, PH. The danger to the Ewa and West Oahu community is enormous and cannot be understated. Past US wars have shown that once war plan decisions are made there will be a requirement for ever increasing weapons and munitions storage.

A hypothetical conflict with China will focus on control of the sea and airspace over the Pacific Ocean. To remain effective, the Army will deploy long-range anti-ship-capable precision strike missiles and long range precision fire artillery against targets hundreds of miles away. The Army is developing a hypersonic missile with a range of 1,500 miles. New air defense threats will include swarming drone attacks. 

These swarms could be in the thousands and will require totally new defense weapons systems.   

The perceived new threat environment will see the disappearance of tanks and helicopters and in their place a new generation of ever more lethal artillery and missile weapons and munitions. The Marine Corps is already discarding tanks and helicopters and many past war concepts because of the Chinese and Russian military weapons that will quickly decimate armored and tactical aviation units. The next war will be extremely explosive, violent, using robotic weapons and AI (artificial Intelligence) decisions.

The Reason Why The Army And Navy Made An Insane Plan To Cram Hundreds Of Missiles And Bombs Next To Ewa Homes And Schools Is Due To Thinking The Cold War Was Over

The plan to place ALL MUNITIONS in West Loch was created in the early 1990’s and no consideration was given to expanding the ESQD like was done everywhere else in the US at ammunition storage depots

Why Is Army And Navy Moving All Their Bombs And Missiles To Ewa Beach?

Ewa Gentry North Park Development Half A Mile From Major New Army Missile Magazine Munitions Storage Complex

The Ewa Beach Community Back In The 1970’s-80’s. No worries about new massive backyard missile and weapon China War stockpiles.

West Loch Estates, Ewa Gentry, Ewa Beach, Iroquois Point Have High Explosives And Missiles Stored In Their Back Yards, Much Closer Than US Mainland Ammunition Facilities

Above, West Loch Estates and West Loch Fairway will be very close to major new Army and Navy weapons stockpiles for China War

Isn’t It Time To Seriously Prepare Hawaii For A Chinese Missile Attack? 

Hawaii Bungled The Feared Kim Missile Attack When The Major Threat Really Is A Huge China Missile Attack, Oahu A Prime Target For Hypersonic Missiles, EMP, Biological, Cyber Shut Down Of Entire Power Grid, etc.

What A Nuclear Missile Attack On Hawaii Would Look Like

Shouldn’t Hawaii Citizens Be Prepared For War With China?

Army to Spend Over $1 Billion on New Missiles, Marines In Hawaii Prepare For High Tech Missile War

Major Expansion of Pearl Harbor West Loch Ammunition Depot

With all of these munitions, missiles, etc, coming in to be stored and transported to forward Pacific areas the Army and Navy needs to be honest and tell the Ewa West Oahu community that they will be creating a major Pacific munitions storage and shipping port like MOTSU and that the same EQSD rules and regulations apply. Storing huge amounts of ordinance near a major population has serious consequences that should not and cannot just be just swept under the rug and hidden from them. 

Oahu doesn’t have any emergency evacuation plan like other US mainland facilities have!


John Bond, President

Kanehili Hui

P.O. Box 75578

Kapolei, Hi. 96707

Hawaii Was Part Of The Secret Manhattan Project And Atomic Bomb Tests And Development. 60-75 Year Old Nuclear Bomb Development And Storage Histories Finally Declassified.

NAS Barbers Point support of atomic bomb development – some aspects still classified

Operation Crossroads was supported by NAS Barbers Point in 1946

NAS Barbers Point B-52 Loads, Takes Off and Drops Mk 36 Atomic Bomb

1962 NAS Barbers Point Operation Dominic B-52 Atomic Bomb Drop Tests

NAS Barbers Point Site 95, Building 278 Special Weapons Complex For Atomic Energy Commission and Navy

Nuclear Tests and Weapons History in the Pacific and near Hawaii. NAS Barbers Point was a major support base.

Oahu Has A Huge History Of Storing Vast Amounts Of All Kinds Of Weapons – High Explosives, Chemical and Nuclear, Etc.

West Loch NAD History

Kipapa Ammunition Storage Site (KASS) History

Lualualei Naval Ammunition Depot History

Waikakalaua Ammo Storage Sites (WASS) History

Naval Ammunition Depot Waikele

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Dry Dock Replacement And Waterfront Production Facility. Major Expansion of West Loch Depot Endangers Pearl Harbor-Hickam

  JOHN M. BOND KANEHILI HUI REPORT AND TESTIMONY Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Dry Dock Replacement And Waterfront Production Facilit...